Carers Support Service

Foster and kinship carers affiliated with Althea Projects Foster and Kinship Program are well supported by a team of Foster and Kinship Case Workers, Intensive Fostering Support Worker and Cultural Advisor.

The Althea Projects Foster and Kinship Program value the work that foster and kinship carers undertake and as such provides the following supports to foster and kinship carers:

  • Regular visits, emails and telephone contact to provide ongoing support from a qualified and suitable experienced Foster and Kinship Case Worker
  • Access to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year telephone support
  • Advocacy
  • Information and referral advice
  • Carer network opportunities and social functions
  • Ongoing comprehensive training program and upskilling
  • Monitoring and support
  • Support and information through closed Facebook group
  • Quarterly Newsletters
  • Access to Billabong Sanctuary.

For further information on how Althea Projects Foster and Kinship Program can support you please phone (07) 4779 3332 or via the following email

Other supports provided by the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women include:

  • Access to the Foster and kinship care support line
  • Access to the Additional Child Care Subsidy to cover out-of-pocket expenses for childcare
  • Foster Carer Card – which provides access to a range of business discounts to assist with every day caring costs. Participating businesses include automotive repairs, home maintenance, healthcare, accommodation, and tourist attractions.
  • Provide carers with relevant training and information to equip you with skills and knowledge
  • Involving you in the development of plans that affect the wellbeing of the child or young person in your care.
  • Providing you with financial supports to meet the real costs of children’s need whilst in your care

For further information on the supports offered from the Department of Child Safety, Youth, and Women visit their webpage on

Want to Learn More?

For further information please contact Althea Projects Foster and Kinship Program on (07) 4779 3332 or by emailing

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Althea Projects