Who Can Foster?
Althea Projects Foster and Kinship is looking for people and families who want to make a difference to children and who have the personal qualities to make a real difference to the lives of children and young people in out of home care. These qualities include:
- Loving, caring, kind and respectful
- Open, honest and patient
- Tolerant, flexible and non-judgmental
- Understanding and be empathetic towards children’s grief and loss
- Be able to persevere with a child or young person’s challenging behavior/s
- Can be from any cultural background
- Must be over 18, with relevant life experience
- Can be single; defacto, married or same sex couples; with or without children
- Should be keen to continue learning and developing their skills
- Should have a regular source of income to meet their own family’s needs
- Be able to have space for another child in their home – can be renters or owners
- Should be ready to welcome a child in to their family
- Are able to focus on meeting the needs of children in their care including their educational and health needs as well as other activities such as sport or music
- Should have willingness to support the child to develop a sense of identity which includes the child’s culture, language and religion, where appropriate
- Have commitment to work with a child’s family and a team of professional stakeholders for better outcomes

Could this be you?
If you would like to speak to a member of our team, please call us on (07) 4779 3332 or enquire online at foster@altheaprojects.org.au or via the Contact Us page. You can also check out the Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs webpage for further information https://www.qld.gov.au/community/caring-child/foster-kinship-care-who-can-foster.