Althea's Community Hub

Althea's Community Hub
Althea’s Community Hub is a day centre for people who are homeless or vulnerable and at risk of homelessness or are socially isolated to come and meet with others and be supported and valued as members of our community.
Althea’s Community Hub is the Cream building, located 46-48 Morehead Street South Townsville and is open Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays 8:30am – 4 pm (closes at 2pm on a Tuesday).
The centre provides a free breakfast at 8:30am which consists of toast, spreads and cereal and at 12:30pm a hot meal is provided for a gold coin donation – if you don’t have a gold coin please speak with our friendly staff.
Althea’s Community Hub has free washing machines (staff can provide you with washing detergent), showers – soap provided onsite; toilets and an internet café + daily visits from other services – please see monthly calendar.
Our staff at Althea’s Community Hub believe that everyone should be treated with respect regardless of their situation and staff are happy to assist people to connect with supports in the community.
There is free coffee and tea available all day.