Althea Projects is committed to its mission, values and strategic priorities which are:

  • Human Dignity & Respect
  • Fairness & Equity
  • Cultural Mindfulness & Diversity
  • Accountability & Transparency
  • Innovation & Excellence
  • Partnerships & Collaborations

The organisational priorities have been strategically targeted to position and align Althea Projects with government, philanthropic and other community priorities. The priorities are:


Organisational Priority 1

Growth and Sustainability

Growing our organisation allows us to reach more people in need, make a difference one person at a time, one community at a time.


  • Increased brand recognition and community awareness
  • Our services and programs are sustainable to meet client needs
  • Income received sufficiently meets demand providing opportunity for growth, development and innovation
  • Our infrastructure supports the team to work effectively and efficiently
  • We are competitive to maintain ongoing growth to meet community needs

Organisational Priority 2

Practice and Capability 

We commit to a workforce capability framework that enhances practice excellence through the use of evidence informed approaches to support our clients and families.


  • Delivering cultural safe, high quality, evidence informed services and programs
  • Increased opportunities and improved outcomes for individuals, families, children and young people
  • People who are vulnerable are strengthened through our service delivery practices
  • We are an employer of choice
  • Our systems enable empowered, skills and confident staff

Organisational Priority 3

Leadership and Governance 

Our leadership and governance framework ensures we are an ethical and accountable organisation.


  • Our Constitution and governance structure ensures we provide essential services to the community
  • Our IT infrastructure enables high quality engagement and connection to the community
  • Our organisational practice framework is driven by high performance indicators


Our Strategic Plan 2021 – 2025

How we are improving Outcomes for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Families

Althea Projects pursue the philosophy that the most effective and most appropriate method of providing services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is to empower and support individuals, organisations and communities in providing the services they need when they need it the most. Althea Projects demonstrate this through symbolic and practical expressions of respect for the longest continuing culture on the planet.

Althea Projects Reconciliation Action Plan outlines the following aspirations which we have committed to ensuring become a standard part of the way we do business and will become embedded in our culture, policies and practices:

  • Listening to, learning from and consulting with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples,
  • Building and embedding an organisational culture embracing respectful relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples,
  • Promoting reconciliation and raising awareness and knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and cultures with Althea Projects employees, service users, volunteers, partner organisations and wider stakeholders,
  • Promoting a changed community attitude about what a reconciled Australia looks like,
  • Promoting learning and education through embedded protocols and practices,
  • Increasing the representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples employed within Althea Projects,
  • Celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples including significant events as it relates to the North Queensland community,
  • Ensuring Althea Projects programs and services are accessible to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples,
  • Celebrating and embracing our differences and leverage these to create positive change,
  • Respectfully walking alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in their journey towards healing.

A Commitment to Practical Reconciliation

Althea Projects recognises that a significant change in approach is needed if there is to be a reduction in the high numbers of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander children in Queensland’s child protection system. We pursue the philosophy that the most effective and most appropriate method of providing services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is to empower and support individuals, organisations and communities in providing the services they need when they need it the most. Our focus is on providing a solid foundation where Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander children and families can reach their full potential and where their right to survival, development and protection is attained.

Our current measures of increasing the capacity of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander children and families and reducing the risk of these families entering the statutory system include:

Skilled Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander staff and cultural expertise

Currently, Althea Projects employs highly skilled and qualified Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander employees across the organisation. It is their inherent knowledge of their culture, heritage and complexities that forms the expertise of these professionals and each assists the organisation with culturally appropriate service delivery.

Althea Projects Inc. has a commitment to increasing the participation and involvement of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples, on our Board.

Althea Projects